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Teaching and courses

Comparative Genomics, KB8007, 7.5 ECTS

In this course you will learn current techniques for analysing genomes and how comparative genomics can be used to understand the evolution and function of genomic sequences. The structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes is studied, and principles for gene prediction and sequence comparison are explained. The course also includes methods for phylogenetic reconstruction and orthology prediction as well as other methods to understand the evolution and function of genes and genomes. It is targeted to bioinformaticians working with gene and protein sequence anaysis, particularly with a genomic and/or evolutionary perspective. See Syllabus 2009

Applied Bioinformatics, DD2397, 7.5 ECTS at KTH

This course introduces elementary programming techniques for Bioinformatics, including script programming, some UNIX basics, and relational databases. Please contact Lars Arvestad for additional information. The course is offered by CSC and is held in English in period 2 (Nov/Dec).

Omic Data and Systems Biology, DD2399, 7.5 ECTS

A survey of methods, opportunities, and results in modern genomics, transcriptomics, and other *omics.

Please contact Jens Lagergren for additional information. The course is offered by CSC and is held in English in period 3 (Jan/March).

Algorithmic Bioinformatics, DD2450, 6.0 ECTS

Advanced alignment algorithms, phylogenetic tree construction algorithms, genome rearrangement algorithms, mapping algorithms as well as assembly algorithms will be studied. The focus is on practical algorithms and computational problems motivated by current research in biology. This course is offered every Spring by Lars Arvestad.

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